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The Emotionally Honest Preacher
How strong leadership and vulnerability work together.
Women and Criticism
Why it’s especially hard for women to take critique and how to discern what to do with it.
An Examen for Preachers
The importance of contemplation—listening, watching, and waiting—in the life of the preacher.
Confidence Without Clarity
When perfectly clear vision isn't there, how does a leader move forward?
Bossy Women and the Bride of Christ
How the world’s ways of leadership have seeped into the church—but not in the way you might expect.
Standing While Slain
Resilience in ministry requires being open to hurt, for ourselves and for those we care for.
Take Time To Linger Outside the Church Door
In churches as in neighborhoods, sometimes the front lawn is the best place to build community.
Seeing Pain with New Eyes
The preacher functions as a midwife; helping others through their pain because they have known pain themselves.
4 Ways to Invite God into Your Planning Meetings
Put the ministry back in your administration.
Imagining the Next Generation of Women in Leadership
A conversation between a lead pastor and her daughter
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